Corn and soybean harvests remain ahead of the norm. Winter wheat planting slips.

Corn ratings were unchanged from the prior week, 64% good/excellent. That was on the trade expectation.

For corn, ratings at this time of year show some level of accuracy for yield modeling. As we're nearing the end of the ratings numbers a few years are dropping off the list for our Week #40 ratings and yield comparison. IF ratings stayed at 64% through the end then it would imply +0.9% from starting trend to 182.6. USDA in September was at 183.6.

Harvest was estimated at 30% complete. The trade expected 33%. The five year average is 27%.

Soybean ratings were unchanged at 64% good/excellent. The trade expectation was 64%. This is a stout rating for this time of year, tied for #9 out of 38 prior years.

USDA has completed its weekly condition ratings. Only harvested will be reported next week. A simple model looking at final ratings and yield deviation would imply +3.1% from USDA's starting 52.0 bpa yield, 53.6. USDA's September yield estimate was 53.2.

Harvest was estimated at 26% complete. The trade expected 24%. The five year average is 18%.

Winter wheat planting increased from last week's 39% complete pace to 51%. The expectation was 54%. The five year average pace is 52%.