Cattle weights rise slower than normal seasonally. Hog weights expand.

Today's weekly release of the Actual Slaughter report detailed meat production statistics for the first week of July.

Dressed steer weights rose +6 lbs. this week to 847. Dressed heifers were +5 lbs. to 916. This is a time of seasonally rising weights. Last year in this week they rose even more. That helped bring down the year over year overages again. Steers are running +24 lbs. vs. last year while heifers are +22.

Weights were adding +4.0% to beef production separate from slaughter numbers six weeks ago. That overage is now down to +2.7%.

Dressed barrow/gilt weights rose +1 lb. in the latest week to 210. Compared with last year they went from +2 lbs. to now +3. Weights are adding +1.4% to pork production.